Pepper Lunch Sizzle club FAQ
This is a loyalty system for our Pepper Lunch fans. Members will receive special deals and the latest updates via email. You can log in to your member page online to view or edit your details and e-voucher status (if any).
E-vouchers will only be valid at Pepper Lunch restaurants. The membership is not valid at Pepper Lunch Express Stores and Pepper Lunch Go! kiosks.
Make sure you verify your email, subscribe to our e-newsletters to get the latest updates!
Any account that is not validated within 30 days will be deleted from our system.
You can log in to your account and update your profile with a new email address or new mobile number. You may also email us at for assistance.
You can log in to your account and update your profile with a new email address or new mobile number. You may also email us at for assistance.
You can log in to your account and update your profile with a new email address or new mobile number. You may also email us at for assistance.
You can log in to your account and update your profile with a new email address or new mobile number. You may also email us at for assistance.